Public Trees

Nanton's Urban Forest

Questions around Public Trees in Nanton can land within various departments depending on the nature of the issue or inquiry. This page is intended to assist with navigation around this and provide key documents and forms for your information. The Town does not regulate trees on private property, but private property does not include boulevards areas adjacent to private property lines - the Town regulates what public trees are planted in which locations in public boulevards.

Urban Forest Policy and Recommended Species List

Urban Forest Policy 72-364-21/01/12.  The lists are recommended only to minimize the spread of common disease vectors and promote diversity of species.

Public Tree Management - Bylaw 1349/21

Public Tree Management Bylaw.  It details strict regulations and potential penalties around, for example, unpermitted planting or removal of Public Trees.  The Bylaw outlines the process, for developers and the general public, where there is a desire to undertake actions that could impact one or more Public Trees.  If you are a developer with questions around Public Tree removal or planting, please contact

Municipal enforcement complaints can be made by calling 403-601-3639 or submit a complaint online

Public Tree Cutting Permits

This is a mandatory process, usually requiring CAO approval after discussion with department heads.  The form and information sheet can be downloaded here.  There are some stiff penalties in the bylaw for unpermitted cutting or removal.  Generally, the following conditions need to be met for a cutting or removal approval:

1. A Public Tree is dead or dying, thus a potential hazard 

2. A Public Tree is interfering with utility wires 

3. Public Tree roots interfering with water or sewer lines (public or private side) 

5. A Public Tree is too close to a building face/ roofline/ foundation

6. Removal of Public Tree(s) necessary to facilitate a development 

If applying to remove a tree, you will likely be required to replace it in another location at your own expense, although there are some case-specific considerations for property owners whose sewer and water infrastructure are demonstrably impacted by Public Trees.