Call 403-601-3639 when you have a bylaw issue or concern.
Once your call is received, all pertinent information is collected and a report is created. Municipal staff will determine how best to address the report and may follow up with a call if necessary. If the matter at hand is an emergency that requires police, fire or ambulance services, call 911.

Municipal Enforcement is responsible for enforcing bylaws, to protect people and property and to preserve and maintain the public peace. The Town of Nanton Peace Officers key responsibilities include:
- Ensure public compliance with various town bylaws
- Provide information and interpretation of Municipal Bylaw and Provincial Statue requirements to town residents
- Administer town bylaws
- Support and promote the mission, goals, objectives, policies, and procedures of the Town of Nanton
- Education by awareness campaigns
- Assist in public safety programs
- Deal with complaints and inquiries
- Prepare all necessary documents for prosecution of offenders including summons, subpoenas, witness statements, and court briefs
Animal Control
We ask that all residents are responsible pet owners for safety reasons. This includes picking up waste, and maintaining control over your animal in public. If you see someone who is not pick up after their dog, please call 403-601-3639 or e-mail

- Animal Control Bylaw
- Dog license application and fees
- The Nanton Animal Protection Society is a separate incorporated not for profit organization in town that is primarily a shelter and adoption program for stray and feral cats.
- Other rescue organizations in the region that deal with dogs and cats include Heaven Can Wait Animal Rescue - Foothills, AB (High River) and Home | Claresholm CAReS (Claresholm).
- The Town does not operate a shelter or pound for dogs.
Education Awareness
Throughout the year, our officers visit schools, senior lodges, and other community groups to educate on various subjects including:
- Bicycle Safety
- Community Pride
- Driving Safety
- Halloween Safety
- Community Clean Up
- School Bus Safety
If you would like to see a presentation, please contact Municipal Enforcement.
Provincial Law Enforcement
Peace officers, under the Peace Officer Act of Alberta, are currently appointed to enforce the following provincial acts:
- Traffic Safety Act
- The Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act
- The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
- The Dangerous Dogs Act
- The Animal Protection Act
- The Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Act
- The Trespass to Premises Act
- The Provincial Offences Procedure Act
- The Petty Trespass Act
- Service Dogs Act
For more information on these acts please visit the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General website.
Lost and Found
Municipal Enforcement is responsible to administer the Municipal Government Act Regulations for the disposal of lost property. This means if you have lost or misplaced items such as your wallet, cell phone and/or bicycle please contact Municipal Enforcement
Please be Good Neighbours
Complaints CAN be resolved amicably between neighbours. As a result, and if possible, it is recommended that each resident of Nanton attempt to resolve their issues before contacting Municipal Enforcement for assistance. The Town does NOT get involved in Civil disputes and our bylaws are not there to facilitate the frivolous and vexatious pursuit of personal grievances.
Before you file a Complaint
Complainant information is considered as confidential and will not be released to the person whose property is under complaint, unless under an order made by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
The Town may request or require a complainant to act as a witness, should a case be required to be settled in court. This is usually done as a last resort, should the Town case be weak or should bylaw enforcement be unable to determine that a violation has occurred without the evidence of the complainant. A complainant would normally be informed of this requirement at the time of the initial complaint or during the investigative process.
The Town has complete discretion when it comes to acting on complaints. After investigation, a decision may be taken to proceed or not proceed with further action.