As long ago as 2006, the Bomber Command Museum of Canada (Nanton Lancaster Society) was working with the Town on its future long-term expansion (an additional hangar and taxiing area) that would necessitate the loss of some baseball diamond amenities. This page is provided for public information given the passage of time since the initiative was first discussed with the community.
2006: Expansion of the existing footprint and prospective changes to leases with the municipality were discussed. The Town assisted with the costs of survey work.
2015: The Town and the Nanton Lancaster Society signed off on a conditional ground lease that would be triggered in the event of the society being sufficiently capitalized to move forward. That ground lease agreement, covering two baseball diamonds, remains in effect. Substantial development approvals pursuant to land use regulations will be required when the society is ready to move forward.
Successive Councils and BCMC have both discussed where to build/ how to replace the lost baseball diamonds in the past, but no firm decisions have been taken so far. Westview is a distinct possibility for one or both, depending on the outcome of other projects over the next few years. Unfortunately, there are few public sector funding opportunities to finance their replacement if a location is determined (an ideal opportunity for a local society or service club).
If you are interested in donating to the Town's public realm reserve with conditional resources for future replacement baseball amenities, contact