Garbage and Recycling

Pick-Up Days

Garbage and Recycling bins are picked up every Monday, including all holidays (including the August Long Weekend). Get your bins out by 7AM.  


Garbage and
Recycling Schedule
Cost (bimonthly) Pickup Day
Garbage (Solid Waste) $15 Monday (including statutory holidays)
Recycling $13 Monday (including statutory holidays)
Total $28  
  • Each residence is issued a black bin (solid waste) and blue bin (recycling)
  • Serial numbers are on all bins. These serial numbers are assigned to each specific address
  • You may mark the house # on the side of the bin with a white permanent marker 
  • The bins are to brought out to the front curb by 7 am on pickup morning
  • You need 1 meter (3 feet) clearance on each side of the bin. Please make sure there aren't any low hanging branches if the bin is under a tree
  • The bins have to be off the street by 7 am on Tuesdays. 
  • Grass and branches are to be taken to the Nanton Composting Yard.
  • Other items can be taken to the Recycling Depot, run by Dump Gump. (Thursdays 12 pm-5 pm).
  • Download a list of things you can and can't recycle

Who picks up our garbage and recycling?

T & T Disposals is a local disposal company based in Okotoks.

Visit T & T Disposals website