Snow & Ice: Roads and Sidewalks

The Town has a policy for snow removal.  With the chinook freeze/ thaw cycle in Southern Alberta, efficient use of snow removal resources has to be front and centre for municipalities along with road safety. 

Call the Operations Department (403-646-2902) with any urgent issue related to snow or ice removal operations on roadways or around municipal buildings in general.

Highways 2 and 533 (Provincial) within and outside of Town. Volker Stevin Highways: 1-888-877-6237 (1-888-VS-ROADS) for road problems 
Municipal Enforcement (403-601-3639): Snow, ice, debris and other materials on any sidewalk adjacent to private property should be removed and cleared away by the owner/occupier within 24 hours of it being deposited.


This is the priority map for Town related to the policy.


Clearing snow and ice from our roads is a partnership between the Town, Alberta Transportation and the community.  Here's how you can help:

  • If you can, park in your driveway as opposed to the street;
  • Stay back a safe distance from the rear of any plow truck so the driver can see you;
  • Avoid passing or driving beside plow trucks if at all possible;
  • Avoid placing snow from your driveway back into the street - less snow will be pushed into your driveway by a plow-truck;
  • If you can, help make residential laneways passable in the first 48 hours after a major snow event;
  • If you can, help your neighbours or participate in a local 'Snow Angels' program' by contacting the Nanton Quality of Life Foundation.

Regulations with respect to snow and ice are governed by the Traffic Bylaw 1327 (section 18).


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